All panels take place at the following location:
Malboro - Mists - Ward 29 - Plot 32
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM PST
MSQ Is A Swear Word: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Enjoy FFXIV
Hosted by crazy_sunshine​
Starting FFXIV can be overwhelming for new adventurers. There's just so much to do! Should you just focus on MSQ? Can you spare a few minutes for a sidequest or two? Wanna take a break and learn how to play mahjong?
This panel will be an opportunity for players of all types to share snippets of their experience, the things they wish they knew, and how sprouts can make the best of their time in Eorzea.
12:45 PM - 2:15 PM PST
You Should Say Yeheheceyaa
Hosted by Croatoan​
If you've completed Dawntrail you may have had trouble with a few of the words around the regions we explored. Fret not. Your local lore and linguistic enthusiast in the FFXIV community, Croatoan, will share with you the origin of these fantastic new words and spend some time learning how to say them!
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Putting the RP into your MMORPG
Hosted by Erin'dua Faeriefire​
Roleplaying Basics and Etiquette for beginners and intermediaries.
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PST
Interface Attuned: Improved play through thoughtful settings.
Hosted by Fraylen​
The ground is shaking, the light of your party’s onslaught is blinding, you notice a bit too late that there’s a knockback about to happen and you scramble to click Arm’s Length… but between everything happening on screen and your five full hotbars of emotes, you can’t find your cursor.
As your soon to be corpse flies helplessly to the depths of the seven hells, you rub your strained eyes and wonder “How can I prevent this from happening?”
Well, in this panel, I share my 10+ years of experience as professional UX/UI Designer and how to apply it to FFXIV in order to improve your play experience and keep you alive.
4:45 PM - 5:15 PM PST
Why many people say they need to see the mechanic before they can learn it; and why they're wrong (probably)
Hosted by Seirin Hironaya@Mateus​
Do you or someone you love say "I need to see the mechanic before I can understand it"? Are they asking for explanations for a mechanic in the middle of a raid? Do they keep making the same mistakes repeatedly during prog? These are signs of someone underselling their ability to learn and may need to attend this presentation.
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM PST
Getting Involved in the PvP Community
Hosted by Garuketo, Audree, Merlin​
Finding the right PvP community for you!
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PST
From Screen to Table: Analyzing the Design of the FFXIV TTRPG
Hosted by Zahira​
With the Starter Set released and the Player's Rulebook on the horizon, we invite you to learn the ins and outs of the FFXIV TTRPG, as well as analyze the interesting ways the designers have translated the jobs of the video game to the tabletop. In addition, we will put the analysis into practice by creating homebrew for one of the jobs that has not yet been released!
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Blind Prog: Dawntrail Update
Hosted by Sara Winters​
A new expansion means new changes in gameplay; let's revisit the Lunarcon panel from 2022 and see all the changes that have occurred in visually impaired accessibility, as well and places that can still use improvement!
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM PST
Reflections, Rejoinings and the Rift: A Deep Dive into Hydaelyn's Stars
Hosted by Elioaux Forgeraunt​
In this presentation, I'll labor to explain a fundamental overview and exploration of the 14 reflections Hydaelyn, the calamities and rejoinings that have brought ruin to many of them and the interdimensional rift that exists as a passage between. As well as how this all ties deeply into the most recent expansion Dawntrail. From deepest Lalafell lore to an auricite in a cup there is more than you might think to look to in the present and the past to help understand what might be coming in the future. 60-90 Minutes
5:15 PM - 5:45 PM PST
Why Win Trading in PvP is NOT a Problem
Hosted by Gidson Brand​
Are YOU turned off from PvP due to all the talk of win traders, hackers, and other cheaters? Well guess what bucko, time for ol' papa Gidson to tell you why it actually DOESN'T MATTER!
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Koalaty Pizza: Bigger, Crustier, and Uncut
Hosted by Koalaty Pizza, Pax, Natasha​
After becoming the supreme pizza overlords of the known universe and all the shards of Etheirys, it might seem like Eorzea’s #1 ambush food delivery service can climb no higher. But you’d be more wrong than those poor fools who choose to taint their pizza with pineapple. Koalaty Pizza is not one to rest on our garlic cloves. After our head chef discovered her world atlas actually folds out and there’s a whole new continent that hasn’t wept tears of joy after experiencing our rapturous flavor, we’ve set our sights on new extra large ambitions. Join Koalaty Pizza as we discuss how we’re changing Hydaelyn one medium two topping for 8.99 at a time. THERE WILL BE FREE PIZZA! Oh, and we’re also saving the koalas, or something.
7:15 PM - 8:45 PM PST
c41 watched a guide (aka What it takes to Make a Guide for the Chaotic Streets of PF)
Hosted by Joonbob​
If you ever wondered any of the following: "How long does it take to complete a guide?" "Why does PF land on certain strats?" "Why does Joon take frickin' forever to release anything?" This is the panel for you.
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
You already roleplay. You just don't know it yet.
Hosted by Nobutaka Fairclough​
This panel will explore roleplaying within Final Fantasy XIV. Some of the different types of roleplays and roleplay venues. As well as the often overlooked letters "RP" in "MMORPG".
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM PST
Pictomancing with Louis
Hosted by Superlouis64​
The Pictomancer Job does combat by painting spells with a magicked brush! Now what if you could play Pictomancer with a real paint brush? Join Louis as he becomes a real life Pictomancer by taking trials and dungeons with y'all and hopefully his drawings aren't too bad!
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM PST
Auracite and You: Ivalice Lore and History in FFXIV
Hosted by LoreLines, Ayumi Kurogane, Shadowmeowth​
Do you know a Baanga from a Belouve? Whether you do or don't, join the LoreLines team for a loredive of Ivalice in Final Fantasy XIV! from the Skatay Range to the deserts of Dalmasca, explore with us the mysteries of auracite and the impact the region has had on the world and beyond.
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM PST
Level Up Your Life: Using FFXIV skills IRL
Hosted by Dragonmore​
Ever wondered how your epic gaming skills can give you an edge in real life?
Spoiler: They totally can!
Join us for a fun and engaging panel where we’ll explore how the awesome skills you’ve gained in Final Fantasy XIV can help you crush it in real life. From teamwork and problem-solving to confidence and more, we’ll show you how to take your in-game abilities and level up your everyday life.
Don't miss this chance to turn your Final Fantasy XIV passion into real-world power!